Customer Management

How to Configure Slack Notifications for Customer Messages

Content Writer
April 28, 2023

Using Slack for customer support? To maximize the potential of Slack as a tool for your customer support team, it's crucial to use it effectively. One way to do this is by setting up Slack notifications for customer messages.

In this blog post, we'll delve into the details of how to configure these notifications, empowering you to centralize customer inquiries, respond promptly, and provide excellent customer service every time.

What Are Slack Notifications?

Slack notifications are critical alerts or messages that inform users about activities within their organization’s workflows or channels. These notifications can be customized to suit individual preferences and needs and include various types of information.

Slack notifications are your digital nudge to keep you in the loop. Think of them as friendly taps on the shoulder from your computer or phone, letting you know when something's up in your workspace. These alerts can tell you when someone mentions your name, sends you a direct message, or when there's a post in a channel you follow. You're in control here. You can tweak settings to get these nudges for just about everything or filter them down to only the essentials. It's all about staying connected without getting overwhelmed. This way, you never miss out on important updates or conversations, ensuring you're always in the know.

How to Configure Slack Notifications Step by Step

Step 1: Create a Slack Connect Channel with Your Customer

The first step to configuring Slack notifications for customer messages is to create a Slack connect channel. This is where your customers can ask questions and communicate with you regarding any issues.

Step 2: Integrate Your Customer Support Tool with Slack

If you’re a large business, you’re likely already using some sort of ticketing tool to serve your customers. So, your next step is to integrate your customer support tool with Slack. Most customer support tools, such as Zendesk and HubSpot, have built-in integrations with Slack that make it easy to receive notifications when a new message comes in.

However, native integrations often are noisy and don’t support bi-directional communications. For this reason, you might need to use a third-party plugin, such as Thena, to set up your integration. Thena integrates with all popular email ticketing platforms, such as Intercom, Zendesk, Freshdesk, Salesforce, and HubSpot.

Step 3: Set Up Notifications for New Customer Messages with Thena

To configure your Slack notifications for incoming messages, the next step is to leverage Thena’s smart alerts, which can be scheduled and triggered based on important events. So, how does this work in practice?

One of the most valuable capabilities offered by Thena is the request detection feature. It ensures that you never miss a customer message by creating a ticket that can be assigned to yourself or others. You can also mark the request as closed to guarantee that nothing falls through the cracks.

In addition to request detection, Thena provides a First Response SLA alert, which can notify you whenever a customer message goes unanswered beyond a pre-configured time duration.

By customizing the SLA duration from 0.5 to 48 hours and setting the alert to be sent to a channel of your choice, you can be confident that your team is providing prompt responses to customers, improving customer satisfaction and loyalty. With Thena, you can fulfill your SLA commitments and offer top-notch customer service.

Overall, Thena is a robust tool that streamlines customer communication, automates repetitive tasks, and saves business time.

Step 4: Customize Your Notifications

Now that your Slack notifications are up and running, it’s time to customize them according to your preferences. Thena allows users to customize their Slack notifications based on their preferences when interacting with customers.

One example is the Conversation Grouping feature, which groups multiple customer messages within a configurable time window and sends an alert only if there's no response.

Other configurable options include the use of customer name and logo in notifications, the suppression of alerts for closed requests and pending responses on tickets, and the inclusion of reactions as a response. These customizable alerts reduce noise and confusion while ensuring that important messages are promptly addressed.

Above all, Thena's customizable notifications feature is an essential tool for businesses looking to streamline customer support operations and improve their overall customer experience.

Step 5: Monitor Your Customer Service Metrics

Finally, it is crucial to monitor Slack customer analytics to ensure that your team responds promptly to customer inquiries. You can use Thena’s built-in analytics capabilities to track response times and identify areas where your team may need additional training or support.

Related: Five Signs that Your Customer Support on Slack is Failing

Monitoring response times can also help you identify trends or patterns in customer inquiries. For instance, you may notice that customers frequently ask the same question, which could indicate a need for additional documentation or support resources.

Different Types of Slack Notifications

Slack offers a range of notification options, making sure you stay in the loop without getting overwhelmed. At the core, there are three main types: Direct Messages (DMs), Mentions & Reactions, and Channel Notifications. DMs are straightforward - someone is trying to chat with you directly. With Mentions & Reactions, whenever someone tags you or reacts to your messages, you'll know. And then there are Channel Notifications. These can be a tad noisy, especially in busy channels, but they're crucial for keeping up with group conversations. You can tweak settings for each, ensuring you hear about the important stuff while dodging the noise.

Customizing Your Notification Settings

In Slack, staying updated without getting overwhelmed is key. Fortunately, customizing your notification settings is easy and lets you focus on what matters. First, access your preferences by clicking on your workspace name, then selecting "Preferences." From here, head to the "Notifications" tab. You have a few choices. You can get notifications for every message or just the ones where you're mentioned. Plus, you can decide if you want these alerts on your desktop, mobile, or both. Want to tune out at night? Set a "Do Not Disturb" schedule. And if you're part of many channels, consider enabling notifications for select ones. This way, you stay in the loop without the constant buzz.

Turning Off Notifications When Busy

When you're swamped with work or in the middle of something important, Slack notifications can be more of a distraction than help. Good news, Slack lets you silence those pings and dings when you need to focus. Here's how to do it without missing out on crucial updates. First, use the Do Not Disturb (DND) feature. This stops notifications from popping up during the times you set. Just click on your profile, find 'Pause notifications', and choose how long you need peace. If it's just for a bit, select a time frame like 'For 20 minutes', or set a custom schedule that matches your work hours. What if you're waiting on an important message? You can adjust settings so that 'Direct messages and mentions' still get through, ensuring you're not out of the loop on critical stuff. Lastly, remember to turn off DND when you're back in action, so you don't miss anything important. Managing Slack notifications this way means you control your attention, not the other way around.

Managing Channel-Specific Notifications

Managing channel-specific notifications in Slack means you control your focus. Let’s keep it simple. Slack lets you customize notifications for each channel. This way, you’re not bombarded by every message, just the ones that matter to you. Here's how you do it: Go to the channel, find the channel name at the top, and click on it. Select 'Change Notifications' and choose your preference. Maybe you want to hear about every message or just when someone mentions you. It’s your call. If a channel is too noisy, mute it. Boom, peace and quiet. Remember, tuning your notifications helps you stay on top of what’s important without getting lost in the chatter. Keep it tight, ensure your Slack is set up right.

Utilizing Keywords for Notifications

Slack lets you tune into what matters most by setting up keyword notifications. Think of this as your personal alert system. If you care about certain topics or projects, keyword notifications make sure you don't miss out. Here's the deal: Go to your Slack settings, find the Notifications section, and spot where you can add keywords. Punch in words or phrases that make your ears perk up. Could be your name, a project code, or anything else crucial to your day. Every time someone drops one of your keywords in a conversation, Slack taps your shoulder with a notification. No more digging through channels to catch up. It's like setting a trap for the important stuff and letting Slack do the legwork. Simple, but a game changer.

Mobile vs. Desktop Notifications

Mobile notifications are your digital tap on the shoulder, reminding you that something needs your attention without having to sit in front of a computer. They pop up on your phone, letting you know about new messages or updates in Slack channels you're part of or direct messages sent to you. On the other hand, desktop notifications appear on your computer, interrupting or informing you while you're working through your tasks. The key difference? Convenience and immediacy. Mobile notifications ensure you're connected even when away from your desk, meaning you can respond quickly. Desktop notifications keep you in the loop while you're actively working, minimizing the need to check your phone. Choosing which to use depends on your work style and how accessible you want to be. Some prefer the constant updates mobile notifications offer, while others find desktop notifications less distracting during focused work hours. Remember, Slack lets you customize notification settings, so play around with them to see what blend of mobile and desktop notifications works best for you.

Tips for Reducing Notification Overload

Getting bombarded with Slack notifications? It's easy to get lost and even easier to get annoyed. Let's cut to the chase and sort this out. First off, tailor your notifications. Dive into Slack's settings. You want to hit up the 'Notifications' tab and adjust it. Only get pings for mentions and direct messages. This means Slack won't bother you for every little thing. Next, make use of channels wisely. If there's a channel that's always buzzing but isn't crucial, mute it. You won't get notifications, but you can still check in when you feel like it. Here's another pro tip: schedule Do Not Disturb hours. Tell Slack when to zip it. Maybe you don't want Slack hassling you after 6 PM or during your prime focus hours. Set those DND hours, and enjoy the silence. Lastly, consider the "highlight words" feature. This is a neat trick. You can set Slack to nudge you only if specific words pop up in messages. So, if you're waiting on a report or specific project updates, those are the words to highlight. Keep your Slack sane and focused. It's about being in control, not at the mercy of endless pings.

Integrating Third-Party Apps with Slack Notifications

Integrating third-party apps with Slack notifications makes your workspace smarter and your workflow smoother. Think of Slack as your digital workspace where conversations happen, decisions are made, and information is shared. Now, bring in third-party apps, like Trello for project management, Google Drive for document sharing, or Zendesk for customer support, and you've just turbocharged your productivity. Adding these apps to Slack means you get notifications right there. No more switching between tabs or apps. When a task in Trello is updated, you see it in Slack. A new comment on a Google doc? It pops up in Slack too. The process is straightforward. Find the app you want to add in the Slack App Directory, install it, and connect it to your workspace. You may need to sign in to the third-party service and give permissions. Then, set up notifications based on your needs. You can decide which updates you receive and where they go, like in a specific channel or directly to you. It’s all about keeping everything in one place, staying on top of your game without the hassle of juggling apps.

Why Is It Important to Configure Slack Notifications?

Configuring Slack notifications for customer support is crucial as it:

  • Enables timely resolution of issues and prevents customer frustration;
  • Allows support agents to stay on top of incoming messages and respond promptly;
  • Reduces response time by customizing alerts for high-priority tasks;
  • Provides insights into customer behavior and preferences by tracking support requests and feedback in one central location.

Slack Notifications in B2B Space with


CategoryDescriptionUse Case (with
Project ManagementUpdates on tasks, deadlines, approvals, and team discussions related to ongoing projects.- Notify team members of assigned tasks or upcoming deadlines within Thena. - Integrate Thena with project management tools for automatic updates in Slack. - Leverage to suggest pre-populated responses or next steps within Slack discussions. - Utilize to analyze project progress and identify potential roadblocks with proactive notifications.
Sales & Customer SuccessLead notifications, deal updates, customer support inquiries, and account renewal reminders.- Leverage for intelligent lead scoring and routing to appropriate sales reps in Slack. - Receive real-time deal updates and milestone completions within Thena, with notifications in Slack. - Get alerted to new customer inquiries in Thena and respond directly from Slack with context provided by - Utilize to set automated reminders for account renewals and trigger notification in Slack. - Implement to analyze customer sentiment from support interactions and identify potential churn risk.
Marketing & CommunicationCampaign performance updates, content alerts, industry news, and internal announcements.- Integrate with marketing tools to receive automated campaign performance reports in Slack, including key metrics and visualizations. - Set up to trigger Slack notifications when new content is published, along with targeted audience insights. - Leverage to surface relevant industry news articles in Slack channels, categorized by topic or interest. - Utilize workflows to automate internal announcements and updates within Slack, with targeted recipient selection based on roles or departments.
Integrations & MonitoringAlerts from external tools, system status updates, and performance monitoring notifications.- Integrate with various B2B tools to receive consolidated alerts in Slack, with clear categorization and prioritization. - Leverage to prioritize and filter alerts based on urgency, relevance, and past incidents. - Utilize to analyze data from monitoring tools and proactively notify teams of potential issues in Slack, suggesting troubleshooting steps or knowledge base articles. - Implement to learn from past incidents and automate routine remediation tasks based on alert triggers.
Compliance & Risk ManagementUpdates on regulatory changes, security threats, and internal control breaches.- Integrate with compliance tools to receive real-time notifications in Slack for regulatory updates or potential violations. - Utilize to monitor security feeds and trigger alerts in Slack for suspicious activity or potential breaches. - Leverage to analyze internal control data and identify potential risks, with proactive notifications in Slack for investigation or mitigation efforts.



Timely customer service is crucial for any business's success, and Slack notifications play a significant role in achieving it. Neglecting this step can lead to missed opportunities and unhappy customers.

With Thena, setting up Slack notifications is easy and efficient, ensuring you don’t miss any important customer messages. Thena lets you quickly set up Slack notifications to receive real-time alerts about customer inquiries, feedback, and issues.

So, don't hesitate any longer. Sign up for Thena today and take your customer service to the next level!

Get Thena now!


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