Security Controls
Thena has implemented and maintains the information security controls listed below to protect personaldata during storage, processing, and transmission.
Security Control Category
Information Security Program

In accordance with our SOC 2 Type II compliance program, wemaintain policies, procedures, and practices documenting ourtechnological, administrative, and procedural safeguards relating tothe privacy, security, integrity, and availability of personal data.

Our information security framework includes periodic audits,assessments, and employee privacy and security training.

Risk Assessment

We undergo annual independent third-party SOC 2 Type II auditsthat include a risk assessment of the threats to the privacy,confidentiality, security, integrity and availability of personal data,the likelihood that these threats occur, and measures to mitigatethese risks.We conduct penetration testing of the network and our applicationto evaluate the security of our production environment

Data Collection, Retention andDisposal

We only collect the personal data we need to accomplish ourbusiness purposes, including names, business email addresses,links to Slack profile pictures, and Slack user metadata. We do notstore users’ conversation data on our systems.

When a customer uninstalls our solution, we securely dispose ofthe personal data in our possession by deleting the customer’sdata from our systems.

Personnel Background Checks

We conduct background checks on all of our employees usingCheckr.

Personnel Training and Education

We regularly train all our employees on our information securityprogram, the importance of the security, confidentiality, and privacyof personal data, and the risks to our company and its customersassociated with security incidents.

Access Controls

We only permit access to personal data, sensitive informationsystems, and our premises to authorized employees based on theirrole and with prior approval.

Terminated employees are prevented from accessing personaldata and lose access to all devices and applications upontermination.

Secure User Authentication

In accordance with our SOC 2 Type II compliance program, wemaintain policies, procedures, and practices documenting ourtechnological, administrative, and procedural safeguards relating tothe privacy, security, integrity, and availability of personal data.

Our information security framework includes periodic audits,assessments, and employee privacy and security training.


All communication between customer systems and our platformtakes place using high levels of encryption (TLS 1.2/HPPS).

All stored data, session cookies, and backups are encrypted atrest. Our databases are also encrypted using custom keys foradditional security.

We use industry-standard encryption and a monitoring agent toprotect the data stored on company laptops.

Network Security

We store all personal data on private networks that require VPN toaccess, and we conduct biannual penetration testing to evaluatethe security of the network.

Malicious Code Detection

We have implemented Snyk to detect and remedy malicious orunsecure code designed to perform an unauthorized function on,or permit unauthorized access to, any information system.

We remediate any malicious or unsecure code promptly uponidentification.

Vulnerability and Patch

We conduct biannual vulnerability assessments to detectvulnerabilities on the network, and we have implementedprocesses to remediate any detected vulnerabilities.

Application Security

We maintain application security and software developmentcontrols, including private networks, custom key encryption, andbiannual penetration testing, to detect and prevent the introductionof security vulnerabilities.

Change Controls

Prior to implementing code changes, our employees follow adocumented change management process to assess the potentialsecurity and product impact of such changes.

We document all changes to our information systems as part ofmerger requests.

Off-Premise Information Security

We monitor and document the movement of records or mediausing Vanta, an automated security and compliance platform.

We have implemented strict password protection on all personaldevices that access our systems.

Physical Security

We maintain restrictions on physical access to our offices andinformation systems through the implementation of strict accesscontrols that are recorded in a digital registry

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